
Commissioned as a part of the 2021 Merriweather District A.I.R Exhibition, HUEPHORIA, FREEDOM-PHONE-4000 is an interactive, transdisciplinary art installation involving live performance, video, sound, and sculptural elements. It looks at the relationships between self determination, dreaming, technology, time, and space, and explores the individual and collective agency we have to manifest in micro levels that evolve into macro manifestations. Pulling from research about non-linear causality, the installation embodies and incorporates the multidirectional and multidimensional effects our actions have. Morgan activated the space throughout the exhibition period, using movement, and vocal expression.
Direction, Performance, Sound, 
Costume, and Video Edit
: Morgan Bobrow-Williams
DOP: Adrian Muys 
Dramaturgy: Khalil McCullen



TRP: BLACK GLADIATOR is a live performance art installation commissioned by Triskelion Arts in Brooklyn, NY. It explores the dichotomy of freely living and expressing oneself while being objectified by white capitalistic systems of oppression. It looks at the black experience as gladiatorism, the violent exploitation of the black body, and experience for the entertainment and profit of society.
Direction, Performance, Sound, and Video Edit:
Morgan Bobrow-Williams
Costume: Dauan Jacari